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[E] EpicHam
[E] EpicHam
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over 12 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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Being a newcomer to this server So far I've caused nothing but trouble I built on someone else's plot I made offensive jokes I didn't follow the rules and climbed over the Olympics fence into the VIP stands I exceeded my plot limit without permission And the worse of all , I built a controversial religious structure without permission ,causing great confusion and anger on both the mods and players. I would like to apologize to all of those that was affected ,even harmed by my obnoxious , care-free , air-headed behaviours. I would like to give my most sincere apology to the jews , the buddhist , Architect, Fez99 , Leo , and all of the Minetowns. I am sorry. I am not worthy. I shall impose a self exile period of 1 week . I will not step upon the Minetown Minecraft server , from 17/08/2012 - 24/08/2012 I shall come back a better person or I shall leave all behind , and you will have my word , you'll never see me in Minetown again. You have my word.
over 12 years ago
Note to self : Admins /Mods don't like jokes . They want to talk politics and philosophy and atheism.
over 12 years ago
anti Semitic? what??? the KKK is racist the Nazi is anti Semitic Jared Banks Jackie Manson Jimmy Carr all those people do ALL OF THOSE jokes you won't call them anti Semitic,or a Nazi , or a communist or even a racist NO! you would call them a comedian??! I have to admit .. maybe a bit distasteful but still its just a JOKE and anti religion?? what? How is it anti religion?? A big WHOPPING sign saying BUDDHA IS GREAT? sure , I did it the wrong way BUT a lot of people got it wrong too ??! heck it wasn't even a joke , it was meant as a monument with the sun rising above it and the moon following behind??? why is everyone taking the stuff I do wrongly????
over 12 years ago
what? aww come on Even Jimmy Carr make Jewish jokes , it was TEN times more offensive than mine , and people still laughed Besides , my race went through the holocaust too the Chinese got massacred too , just let it go its 70 years ago its just a JOKE You don't see me making a 9/11 joke HELL! I even built a 9/11 memorial in Rome there is a time for mourning , there is a time to let go .... but I guess you still want to cling onto it OK! No more jew jokes , no 9/11 jokes , no religion related buildings just straight building by the book cool ?
over 12 years ago
gees Note to self , never do religious structures again , its too controversial. Back to simpler red stone structures and buildings for me If I'm let back ....
over 12 years ago